Seven Warning Signs Of Unresolved Grief

The number of deaths the pandemic has caused is a staggering number that has affected both direct loved ones and the extensive healthcare workers that served those we have lost and their families. 

Globally, there have been 2.8 Million deaths and in the US 554,000 alone based on NY Times data published on April 5, 2021.  There is no precedent in our society for so many people dying and their loved ones facing grief in an environment filled with sometimes divisive feelings.  For so many of us in modern society, we are not familiar with the need to process our grief in the moments it occurs.  This has an impact that over time accumulates and keeps us not only from living in the current moment but affecting our health.

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, you may find yourself feeling the effects of unresolved grief.  Here are some signs to look for:

1. Choosing to isolate yourself from others 

2. Feeling a lack of interest or enthusiasm about your life

3. Constantly focusing on the past, not the present 

4. Fear about losing others in your life or not wanting to re-open your heart to another person

5. Remembering only the good parts or times in your relationship 

6. Re-running a painful memory over and over 

7. Being unwilling to talk or listen to others about your loved one


What We Believe


Five Steps For Moving Through Grief